Creating Virtual Professional Learning Networks at ACES
Professional learning communities (PLCs) have shown promise in many schools to enhance several aspects of educational practice, such as teacher-efficacy, professional development, support, satisfaction, collaboration, group dynamics, instructional practices, and school culture. They have also been shown to raise student achievement when implemented effectively in schools.
ACES has been striving to promote the best practices of professional learning communities among our member schools for the past several years. Many of these programs are face-to-face events, and they often are geared towards school leaders. The COVID-19 pandemic has given us an opportunity to rethink ACES and how it could be of more benefit to member schools in the future. Virtual Professional Learning Networks (VPLNs) could be a platform to engage, enhance, and extend learning and collaboration among our member schools.
In this presentation, you will learn about the research supporting VPLNs and how two ACES VPLNs are enhancing collaboration and best practices for their members. Please come to this presentation with ideas for VPLNs that would be valuable to support educators in ACES schools and how they could be facilitated for maximum benefit.